Hello! We’re Brennan Artists - a dedicated team of acting, creative, and voice agents located in Glasgow. We’re passionate about helping talent based in Scotland thrive, and our agents represent a wide-ranging list of brilliant people. Find out more about our team below, and check out our FAQs page for info on what we do, how we work, and how to enquire about representation. Brennan Artists Associates is a proud member of The Personal Managers Association.


Claire Murray
Company Director & Actors Agent

Claire Murray founded Brennan Artists in 2015 from an Ikea desk in a Glasgow tenement nine months after the birth of her second child. (In hindsight it probably wasn't the best timing)

Claire started out as an actor and worked for 17 years on theatre, film and television projects, including a six-year stint as Iona McIntyre on BBC Scotland’s River City.

Having seen the inside of the industry firsthand, Claire wanted to help other actors navigate their careers, and finally took the leap into the world of agenting. Many of her very first clients remain on her books, and Claire has always been passionate about helping actors create a fulfilling career without moving away from Scotland. Today, Claire is Brennan Artists’ company director, lead actors’ agent, and creative director of office accessories.

She’s never met a velvet armchair or a neon sign she didn’t like.

Michael Eliot-Finch
Literary & Creatives Agent

Michael Eliot-Finch runs the Brennan Artists Creatives division. Since 2016 Michael has worked hard to curate an impressive list of talented clients working in all corners of theatre, television, and the film industry. Michael started his career at MacFarlane Chard Associates in London, then made the move to Glasgow and joined Brennan Artists.

At that time, this kind of literary and creative representation seemed sparse in Scotland, so Michael built his department to provide exclusively for off-screen and off-stage talent. Now, Michael’s list includes world-renowned casting directors, award-winning writers and a plethora of emerging talent. Michael is as passionate about promoting Scotland-based artists as he is about Eurovision classics, so you’ll usually find him in control of the office playlists.

Angela Darcy
Voice Agent

Angela Darcy is the head of Brennan Artists’ Voices department. Angela started out as an actor and singer herself, and amassed 18 years of industry experience before turning her hand to managing our fabulous voice clients. During her own career, Angela fell in love with the voice acting world, and worked extensively with major broadcasters, gaming studios and commercial companies.

Having built up a large book of contacts, Angela identified a wealth of opportunities for Scotland-based clients, and wanted to help connect local artists to markets across the world. She founded the department in 2019 and has quickly built an exceptional list of clients who have lent their voices to everything from government commercials to blockbuster video games. Angela’s own voice carried her through multiple runs as Janis Joplin in Full Tilt, to critical acclaim. She still owns one set of Janis glasses.

Esther Scott
Assistant (Literary)

Esther Scott is our Actors' Agent’s Assistant. Having joined the company in 2021, Esther works closely with Claire and our actors, providing administrative support, organising auditions and making sure everyone’s plates are spinning in the right direction.

This is Esther’s second agency job after leaving university, and she’s very quickly become an indispensable part of the team. When Esther isn’t answering emails and fielding phone calls from our clients, you’ll find her looking after her own list of four-legged clients via her Rover account. (We highly recommend her dog-sitting services, you can find her here!)

Prior Eliot-Finch

Prior Eliot-Finch joined Brennan Artists in Summer 2018, and resents any accusations of nepotism. Although his father admittedly works for the firm, he’d like us to point out his vast list of skills, including lying down, stretching, leaning against visitors, and yawning.

As an ex-racing dog, Prior is ready and willing to chase down any intruders - as long as said intruders arrive during a window in his napping schedule.

Rocco Murray

Rocco Murray has been part of the Brennan Artists team since December 2020. Like his colleague, Prior, Rocco would like to make it clear that although his mother runs the company, he feels he got the job on his own merits.

As the self-elected head of security, Rocco takes the opening of doors very seriously, and makes a point of sniffing each and every visitor. When he’s not keeping our offices safe,

Rocco enjoys eating clothes pegs and pencils, snuggling up with a warm human and he's particularly fond of long walks along the beach (on the understanding he is driven home afterwards.)


I’m an actor/writer/creative/voice actor - How do I seek representation?

If you think Brennan Artists might be a match for you, you’ll find the relevant email addresses on our contacts page. You’ll also find some more info in the sections below about what to include in your email. We’d love to respond to every request, but we’re a small team, so it isn’t always possible. If our agents are interested in meeting you, they’ll get in touch with you directly.

Are your books always open to new clients?

We look at submissions on a case-by-case basis, but sometimes our departments do reach capacity. If we’re interested in you but don’t currently have room on our books, an agent will let you know, and we’ll keep you in mind for when space opens up.

Should I follow up with a phone call/additional emails, or can I pop into your office?

We’re delighted you’re so keen! However, we really will respond to your first request if we think it’s a match, so there’s no need to chase it up. Please don’t come to our office without an appointment - our agents’ days are usually filled with meetings and we support hybrid working, so they’re not always at their Canal House desks.

Do you represent children or extras/supporting artists?  

Nope, we work exclusively with adults, and we do not represent supporting artists. For child actors, try Strangetown or KR Management. For supporting actors, try GBM.

Do you represent clients outside Scotland?

Our clients work all over the world, but for us, it’s vital that they have a base in Scotland. We work with a large number of producers and productions in Scotland, and having a base here is usually top of the list of their requirements.

You’ve invited me for a meeting - is Brennan Artists accessible?

Yes! We’re committed to making what we do as accessible as possible, so please don’t be shy about letting us know if we can help.

Our office on the ground floor has direct access to the car park and we can arrange access where required, and we also have experience of arranging interpreters for online and in-person meetings with D/deaf clients. We’ll do all we can to make sure your needs are met and the playing field is level for everyone.

I’m an actor seeking representation - what is Brennan Artists looking for?

We don’t have many hard and fast rules, apart from that we only consider adult actors with professional training or experience, so we’re probably not right for you if you have neither. We also need our actors to have a base in Scotland.

What should I send to your agents?

We don’t take on anyone whose work we haven’t seen, so the most helpful thing you can send is your Spotlight link, a link to your showreel, or info on where we might have seen you before. The main thing is to keep it brief - we have one lead agent making decisions on representation, which means their time is limited. They’d much rather receive a link to see you in action than read a long description or scroll through hundreds of photos. Also, please don’t send us video files directly, or large, high res images - clogging up our inboxes is never a plus!

I’m interested in employing one of your actors - how does this work?

You can get in touch with us directly via email, and it’ll speed things up if you give us your dates and fees. Since we only represent actors with professional training and experience, so we don’t accept unpaid jobs, unless they’re for charity. We love our actors and we want them to be paid fairly for their work! If your project is low budget, or you’re unclear on what fees to offer, our first suggestion will always be Equity rates. You can find info on minimum payments for budgets of all sizes on their website {link}, and working to Equity guidelines would always be our recommendation.

I’m a writer seeking representation - what is Brennan Artists looking for?

We represent theatre, film and television writers only - our literary department doesn’t represent novelists or poets. Similar to our acting and voices agents, we’re also looking for writers who are based in Scotland. Other than that, it’s very simple - we love original voices and great ideas!

What should I send to your agents?

Send us info on any credits you have, and where we might have seen your work performed. Links to any online content is also really helpful. Our agents do read writing samples, but a shorter form script or an extract of a longer script is much more helpful than an entire portfolio. If we’re interested in you, we can always request to see more.

I’m a creative - can I request representation?

At the moment, we’re only taking on literary clients. We’ll update this page if that changes.

I want to employ one of your writers/creatives - how does this work?

You can get in touch with us directly via email and it’ll speed things up if you give us your dates and fees. We don’t accept requests for unpaid jobs, and if your job is advertising or promotion, then we’ll also need the usage to provide a quote.

I’d like to put on a play written by one of your clients - is this possible?

All of our writers’ work is protected by copyright. If you’d like to license their work for any use, please get in touch with our literary team. Some of our clients’ work may already be licensed in certain territories, but our agents will be able to advise you of this.

Can your agents recommend suitable voice actors for my project?

Yes, we’re more than happy to help you cast your job! Send us your specifications, and a note of your dates and fees will help us eliminate actors who might not be suitable. You’ll also find filters on our Voices page where you can search by accent, gender, type, and access to home studios.

I’m a voice actor seeking representation - what is Brennan Artists looking for?

Ideally, we really like you to have training in acting, but if you’re a VO artist only, you must be on Spotlight, as that’s how we submit options to clients. You’ll need at least one reel, and if it’s not up-to-date, then you’ll need to be open to recording a new one. We need you to have a base in Scotland, but we’re open to any and all accents and languages - and we love you if you have a home studio!

What should I send your agents?

A voice reel or an audio example of your work is a must, plus a Spotlight link and info on your home set-up if you have one. Tell us about your native accent, any additional languages you’re fluent in, and a sample of RP is useful too. If accents are your thing, then a separate reel of examples would be fab - but keep them to either gaming or animation.

I want to employ one of your voice actors - how does this work?

Get in touch with us via email and it’ll speed things up if you provide full dates and usage info. As with our actors and creatives, we only represent voice artists with experience, so we don’t accept requests for unpaid jobs. If you’re casting a job, you can download our actors reels directly from their page on our website.

Do your voice actors have a standard/minimum BSF?

All of our actors have BSFs that range from £250-350. For commercial and corporate work, we tend to work with a BSF plus usage model; but gaming, dubbing, animation and radio plays can vary. Test reads for commercials and corporate jobs are £50 as standard. Our voice actors have very busy schedules, so cancellation rates do apply to make things fair. If a job is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, the full BSF applies - but if the job is rescheduled for a date within four weeks of the original booking, no cancellation fees are due.

Do your voice actors have access to home studios?

Yes, many of them do, and those with home studios have info on their pages about their technical set-up. You can filter a search for actors with home studio access on our Voices page. Our actors are also happy to travel to your studio, but outside their local area, travel and accommodation fees may apply.